Nowadays, we want to have everything tailored to our personality. Personal computer, tablet and smartphone with unique applications, original shoes, unique style and everything that looks unusual. Are we so careful while choosing our diet?
Our metabolism, just like our character or personality, has also its individual characteristics. We can feed anyone, but not everyone can be nourished and that makes a huge difference.
An Intruder in the territory
We usually know our blood type; all we need to do is to give a sample of blood and we can learn a lot. What about our metabolism? We often do dozens of food allergy or intolerance tests, but when our body is nourished with wrong fuel, it responds with aggression on each factor, literally. That is why one bite can cause even ten adverse effects. We are wrong when we are focusing on counting calories only, though it is a trend created mainly by media, nutritionists and doctors. While the body senses even a trace amount of an intruder on its territory– a substance in the bloodstream that is harmful for us. Even if something seems to be healthy, trendy, our immune system, as long as it functions properly, is governed by its own laws- it is not counting calories or time. If everything works fine and the body is cleansed, chemicals and other toxins in products will have the same effect on our internal defence system just like a red rag to a bull.
Schemes are inappropriate
Unfortunately, globalization does not take into consideration factors, that have crucial impact on the nature. Inhabitants of our planet can be divided due to their skin type, the construction of the body, place of residence, weather conditions they live in. In multicultural societies, due to their migration, metabolic features typical to given ethnographic groups have been mixed. That is why food recommended and based on a blood type not always matches the metabolic type – it does not match our METABOLIC IQ. As a result of mixing of parents’ genes, anomalies may occur such as: a protein-type human (e.g. Eskimo) who loves to spend time in the sun. Patterns, repeated generally and nutritional recommendations do not include differences in individual metabolic type and they often ignore the fact that products formerly promoted as healthy, nowadays have little in common with health.
n many cases, our body cannot digest them or they can even be a threat to our body. Glucose-fructose syrup or margarine can be an example. For many years, studies have been published showing that only a man is crazy enough to eat processed vegetable TRANS fats. Animals eating them regularly would die. Highly processed grains, GMO seeds and ubiquitous sugar can be a similar threat to the modern world.
Schematic nutritional recommendations do not take into consideration differences in individual metabolic type and they often ignore the fact that the products formerly promoted as healthy, nowadays have little in common with health.
Instinct wins
Back to the point, while looking at the streets of our city, country, continent, it is difficult to imagine that there are cultures in which tumours, diabetes, arthritis, obesity and other “manifestations of civilizations” are unknown. In addition, their traditional menu is far from “healthy” recommendations of the modern world, but people living there have good immune system, they enjoy fullness of health and longevity. Let’s think of Eskimos, whose diet is rich in animal fat and large amounts of meat, still they do not suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Masai, the inhabitants of the Amazon forest or even Swiss Highlanders are also known for their unusual diets and exceptional brawn or mental health. It is he common feature of every healthy culture- when they switch to “civilized” man’s diet, health problems known to developed cultures appear immediately. A good example can be Indians (Native Americans) who have left the reserves to pursue American dream. On the other side: many people from tropical, hot areas and Mediterranean area show natural desire to consume food rich in carbohydrates, such as vegetables, fruits, cereals. They don’t have a need to consume large amounts of animal fats and proteins. While people from regions with difficult conditions of life are not used to have a light, vegetarian diet. Despite globalization and migration, you cannot change nature.
Therefore, one, universal way of nutrition for all does not exist. Animals, while choosing food, do not rely on fashion, ideology or taste. People choose food intuitively or according to recommendations or their knowledge. If they are guided by the instinct and genetic predisposition (e.g. type of metabolism), they have a chance to stay healthy and make the most of their potential..
Metabolic IQ
Today we have smart cars, houses, computers, phones, credit cards, bank accounts but we forget about our internal mechanisms, the knowledge of which makes life much easier. Taking our metabolic IQ into account can save us a lot of ailments common among the inhabitants of large cities, people living out of a suitcase or people constantly traveling in work, who are often forced to eat at a run or in public dinners. If we know what to choose, we have a chance to eliminate stomach problems, harmful effect on skin, leg pain or itchy skin, as well as bloating, constipation and heartburn.
Generally accepted schemes do not work. Seemingly stodgy food is difficult to digest by people with the type of carbohydrate metabolism – a slow burner. Such a person, while eating e.g. the most sophisticated Argentine steak will feel heavily or can falls into melancholy and in the extreme type, he/she can become even slightly depressed. He/she should avoid heavy high-purine proteins and fats. On the other hand, for a protein metabolism type, products seemingly easy-to-digest e.g. sweet salads can become a horror. Such a person is deprived of energy, concentration, these products can even cause aggression. A protein type burns carbohydrates so quickly that their consumption without proteins or fats can cause sugar level spikes and constant hunger.
We are wrong when we are focusing on counting calories only, though it is a trend created mainly by media, nutritionists and doctors. Understanding our Metabolic IQ will bring us many more benefits.
It may seem ridiculous, but we do not realize how serious a threat to our mental and physical health a wrong diet can be. Eating meals not compatible with our metabolic intelligence can affect the quality of our work, efficiency in carrying out daily chores, concentration, social life, and even relationships.
In order to get to know our metabolic IQ, all we need is to fill out a simple test that will assess our overall abilities and assign us to one of the three main groups of metabolism, each of which has a different tolerance to different foods. Basically, there are three types of metabolism: carbohydrate, protein, and mixed.
The most common differences can be found among the mixed type, where the person, depending on his/her personal traits, can lean more toward the carbohydrate or protein type. If you are a type of carbohydrate metabolism, this does not mean that you’re the same as everyone else with this metabolic type, you can response to diet differently; your strength, weakness, energy level, appetite level and many other characteristics can be different, too. Every person is unique, also in the context of the individual metabolic type.
The most common symptoms that are not associated with a lack of knowledge of Metabolic IQ:
- Lack of energy, lack of concentration.
- Problems with the digestive tract.
- Allergies, hypertension, mood swings.
- The use of popular diets with no results.
- Confusion in the face of conflicting advices given by consecutive nutritionists, specialists.
Benefits from the knowledge and awareness of Metabolic IQ:
- Adapting diets to meet the specific needs of your body.
- Achieving ideal weight and maintaining it effortlessly.
- Outburst of energy and well-being.
- Strengthening of the immune system of the body.
- Elimination of indigestion, fatigue and allergies.
- Overcoming depression, anxiety and mood changes.
Author: Agnieszka Pająk