“What for one person is the food for another’s poison”
Without a doubt, in highly developed countries human individuality is the price. After we have been flooded by mono-culture consumption, today we want to have everything tailored to our personality. Personal computer, tablet and smartphone with unique applications, original shoes, unique style and everything that unusual.
And do we choose the diet as carefully ?
Just like our character, soul and personality, our metabolism also has individual characteristics, maybe we may feed everybody the same, but do not NOURISH, and it is a huge difference. Most of us know your blood type, and if not it is enough to take blood and you know everything. And how is it with metabolism ?
Often we do dozens of allergy tests, food tests, for all kinds of intolerance, and when the body is fed with an incorrect fuel, it begins to react with aggression literally on each factor. So one bite = ten symptoms; because for us ie. for our well-being, counts how much we ate, but for the body, is important even a trace amount of an intruder in the territory, which are unfavorable substances for Us in the bloodstream.
Although for Us something may seem that it is supposed to be healthy, fashionable, etc. The immune system, as long as works, has its own rules – does not count neither calories, nor does look at the clock whether struck 18:00 already. Also in the second case, if everything works fine and we do the body detox, chemicals and other toxins contained in the products will act on our internal defense system like a red rag to a bull. Unfortunately, globalization does not take into consideration factors, which are ruled by nature. We have always divided the citizens of the planet into groups because of race, physique, place of residence, because of weather conditions in which they lived, etc. As a result of migration, multicultural societies, also typical metabolic characteristics of ethnographic groups have been mixed.
Therefore, for example, the recommended food groups based on the blood type are not always compatible with the metabolic type. As a result of mixing of the parents’ genes, such anomalies can occur as for example a person of the protein type (called the Eskimo), who loves exposure to the sun. Generally, repeated schemes and dietary recommendations do not take into account the differences in the metabolism of individuals, but also often forget that the products previously promoted as healthy, today often do not have much to do with nature and food – often only a name. In many cases, the human body cannot digest them, or they are a threat to their health.
An example are high fructose corn syrup or margarine. For a long time scientific studies have been published saying that only man is crazy enough to eat processed vegetable fats called TRANS, because if they would feed the pigs with it, they died after 24 hours or after few days.
Regarding the syrup – entire United States of America are already floating in it, and corn syrup has even exceeded the borders with Mexico, which was ranked at position 1 in the World in terms of obesity – 32.8% of the population! (UN report).
Going back to metabolism, looking at the streets of our city, country, continent and even further, it is hard to imagine that there are cultures where cancer, diabetes, arthritis, obesity and other “signs of civilization” are unknown. Furthermore their native menu is far from the “healthy” recommendations of the modern World, and yet they enjoy a high resistance of immunity system, the fullness of health and longevity.
Let’s think about Eskimos, who, despite a diet rich in animal fat and large quantities of meat, do not have to deal with cardiovascular diseases. From an unusual diet and exceptional physical and mental vigor also famous are Maasai people; the inhabitants of Amazonian Forest, and even the Swiss mountaineers. The common characteristic of super-healthy cultures – in the passage on a “civilized” man diet, immediately health problems appear – commonly present among the cultures of developing and highly developed countries.
A good example are the Indians (Native Americans), who have left the Wildlife Areas for the American Dream. The contrary to those listed regions, many people from tropical areas, hot and from the Mediterranean shows inborn desire to consume foods rich in carbohydrates such as vegetables, fruits, cereals. Organisms of those people do not have the need to consume large amounts of fats and animal proteins. While people from regions with difficult living conditions are not adapted to light, vegetarian diet. Despite globalization and migration we cannot change nature.
Thus there is no single, universal way of nutrition for all people. Animals selecting foods do not follow the fashion, ideology, neither taste palate. Man chooses food intuitively or in accordance with the instructions, his knowledge or other people’s. If guided by the instinct and genetic predisposition (including type of metabolism) has a chance to stay healthy and make maximum use of his potential.
CHARACTERISTICS OF extreme carbohydrate :
- eats to live, not lives to eat
- loves desserts, cakes, cookies, croissants, and rarely gains weight after eating them
- is slim despite the large amount of sugar intake
- likes people but without exaggeration, just as much likes to be alone
- eating late causes that is tired and is not sleeping at night
- does not like fat in any form – even with delicate ham pulls out grease
- feels great on a vegan and vegetarian diet
- fruits and vegetables give him a lot of energy
- heavy proteins like bacon or beef steak sets him in a bad mood
- undernourished feels bad and falls into depression
- is mild, delicate and often highly perfect person
- does also well feeding himself on same lettuce and sprouts
- is gaining weight when eats too much protein
- is acidified with overabundance of protein in the diet
- loves warm and even heat weather
- he is characterized by strong nails and soft skin
- often falls into melancholy and has a tendency to self-pity if he eats incorrectly for his type of metabolism
- has a tendency to constipation, and serious meals cause a feeling of heaviness
- likes to eat but without exaggeration
- too large gaps in the meals make him feel worse
- is gaining weight if he eats too much of everything and does not move enough
- last meal can be eaten late, but too heavy dinner makes that food will stack up in the intestines for long, causing a feeling of heaviness
- likes people
- feels great in both warm and cold days
- is acidified with too much of both carbohydrates and proteins
- is happy to mix different ingredients in the meals
- is a gentle, cheerful person but can be angry too
- has a tendency to workaholism but he also likes laze around
- does not like sweets but sometimes he likes to eat good, not too sweet cake
- likes coffee and feels good after it
CHARACTERISTICS OF extreme protein :
- lives to eat, loves to cook, experimenting in the kitchen and explore new tastes
- rather does not like sweets, if he has to – for example at the party – chooses fat cheesecake or cream brulee; reaches for sugar in extreme cases when he is extremely hungry or exhausted
- has a tendency to gain weight, especially after carbohydrates and sugar
- paradoxically, does not get fat after eating products of high protein and healthy fat
- loves people, he loves events, he is soul of the party
- if he is not eating dinner before going to sleep, will not sleep or wake up at night and looking for food
- fruits, especially those with a high sugar content, makes him gaining weight, he feels bad and has sugar spikes which worsen his condition and leads to aggression, if hungry sometimes becomes nasty
- large gaps in the meals makes him gaining weight and be with no power
- feels wonderful after having meals rich in protein and fat, especially animal
- if does not eat according to his metabolic type tends to have bursting heels and accumulation of calloused skin
- is acidified with overabundance of carbohydrates in the diet
- is gaining weight by eating large amounts of carbohydrates, especially flour products containing gluten
- quickly burns carbohydrates and their excess causes frequent defecation